thinking about progress
I define progress as getting ahead of where you originally started. says that progress is, "a movement toward a goal or to a further stage." George Washington University says that the Progressive Era was 1890-1920. The Library of Congress says that, "The progressives, as they called themselves, worked to make American society a better and safer place in which to live. They tried to make big business more responsible through regulations of various kinds. They worked to clean up corrupt city governments, to improve working conditions in factories, and to better living conditions for those who lived in slum areas." They tried to fix female suffrage, working conditions, and industrialization. Essential goals were regulating child labor laws, making sure water and milk were safe to drink. Good goals that could improve life but weren't extremely necessary was conserving natural resources, and creating awareness of literacy. A strange, and also probably not a good goal was to prohibit alcohol. This probably created a lot of people to disobey the law.
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