
Showing posts from January, 2018

Newspaper Research

I searched the term "strike" and The Daily Enterprise newspaper came up. I learned about a strike called the Telegraphers' Strike in Livingston, which was caused by the refusal to add 15 cents to salaries and reduction of labor. It says that "no such widespread and general strike has ever been known in the history of the world." I read another newspaper called the Pittsburg Dispatch about Andrew Carnegie. It talked about how he grew up poor and couldn't afford to buy books until he made the money to buy them, and says, "His generosity now makes it forever impossible that any other poor boy in Pittsburgh shall endure the same disadvantage."

Thinking About Success

1. Opportunity, hard work, skill, luck. 2. The reason I put the word opportunity as the most important is because you have to be given the opportunity to succeed. Without opportunity there would be no reason to do anything, and people wouldn't be able to take chances to discover what they're good at. Taking opportunities open doors for people to become better, but without hard work, the opportunities given won't get you far. Hard work is second because it furthers your success and can actually get you places. With hard work, you can learn and gain skills that you didn't have before. Skill is third because some lucky people are born with skill, but most people in this world have to work hard in order to get better and gain skill. Luck is last because I believe that few people get lucky enough to become successful, but most people have to have hard work and dedication in order to gain success. 3.

Smoke Signals Thesis

The movie Smoke Signals  is about Native American teenager named Victor who is trying to understand his heritage and find how he fits in it, like every average teenager. This is especially hard for Victor because he is Native American. Victor wants to be proud of his heritage, but the role of alcoholism in the Native American community and the burden of Indian stereotypes make it difficult for him. Even though these things are hard for Victor, community bonds and cultural traditions help him find himself through his Native American heritage. Victor's father isn't the only one within the community that has experienced alcoholism. The Native American community has history of alcohol abuse. Alcoholism in Native American communities have been very big issues for a long time. Victor's father, Arnold Joseph, is an alcoholic, and leaves the burden of this on Victor. Arnold's alcoholism disrupts Victor's life and changes the way he feels about his heritage and makes it ...