This is what I learned today The targeted understandings are to only use a direct quotes when it adds power and style to my writing, always make it clear, from context, that I understand the full meaning of the quote, whether I quote or paraphrase, I must always be transparent about the source and how I'm using it, if i use the author's exact words or phrases, to any extent, I have to use quotation marks and give credit, if I use another author's presentation of facts or ideas, but put their ideas in my own words, (paraphrase) I better have a good reason for doing so, and I must give credit, and there is no excuse for not being transparent about my sources. I have learned the differences between paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting, and when to use them. Paraphrasing is repeating exactly what someone else says but in your own words, summarizing is an explanation of something without all of the details, and quoting is when you use the exact phrase with quotations arou...